Friday, December 16, 2011

No Thank you, Dr. Ordinary. I bid you Good Day.

Each day is a conscious battle. I refuse to accept what my conventional neurologist BLINDLY tells me. “You are progressing and will continue to progress. But, here – try this $30,000/year medication that will wreak havoc on your healthy tissues and your liver and just see if maybe that will work a little… but probably not.” So I have stopped seeing him. There were several key elements missing from this relationship – care, understanding, and a desire to see me get well.

"More important than learning what kind of disease the patient has is finding out what kind of patient has the disease." - Dr.William Osler, called the Founding Father of Modern Medicine. Oh how we went astray.

Insurance and Medicare pay for treatment not talk. The average time with the doctor at a typical visit is 6 minutes. Talking with the patient is key to the healing process. For example, a doctor talking with a diabetes patient about their lifestyle is virtually not reimbursed by the insurance company. However, when that same patient’s kidneys fail for lack of guidance, dialysis is consequently fully reimbursed. (note: Information taken from the documentary, The New Medicine) Does this make sense? Of course not. And the list of conflicts within the current system is endless.

So John and I chose to remove ourselves from that model.
I am now being treated by a doctor who left conventional medicine and the insurance prison and now works in a lovely office on a cash-only basis. He now has time to spend with each patient, doesn’t have to watch the clock and run on to the next patient, and he can act like the investigator that I need. What’s CAUSING the progression? Once we know, we won’t be taking blind steps towards toxic medicines that most likely won’t even help me. Finally, and most importantly for me, he took the time at the end of our visit to hold my hands and pray. Because without God’s healing power, all of our efforts are futile.

So we started with a run of blood tests that proved there is a virus (or viruses) in my body. They can hide in the DNA of any of my 100 trillion cells. My CD57 (Google that one if you are suffering or curious) was 45. That number should be around 200. That means my T-cells are low and it’s a good indicator that Lyme disease is present. My C4A test level was over 4000 and should be less than 650. Another indicator of Lyme, viruses present, and a severely weakened immune system.

One thing I know for sure (proven by an MRI done in October 2010): The MS has not been active or progressed for over 6 years now. So why did I take such a serious nosedive starting in 2008?

Another truth: The stem cell treatments I did last year were like rebuilding a house that was still on fire. They did have one gigantic benefit, however. They started me on this current path. I wouldn’t know what I know now. I wouldn’t have realized that help was available – it just wasn’t at my current doctor's office.

In January, I will begin an aggressive 4-weeks of IV vitamin C. I continue to do glutathione shots daily and vitamin B-12 shots 3x/week. That’s where we stand with treatment. That is specific treatment that makes sense.

I’m not dismissing all of Western medicine. SO many benefits are had each day in the hands of our doctors. Thank you for operating and saving lives, for putting us back together when we crash and break, and for countless other reasons. However, in my case, you didn’t do your jobs! Your answers to my troubles are pathetic. Now I’m forced to go out on my own. We’re spending our own money and taking my care into our own hands. The alternative was to just lie down and not get back up.

If you are reading my blog and you or a loved one are suffering from MS, Lyme disease, Parkinsons, etc., I urge you to also take matters into your own hands and take charge of your health. Don’t accept pathetic care that sucks you of hope. If you are a friend or stranger reading out of interest, thank you for your time and please continue to pray that I improve.

I urge everyone to educate yourselves starting with the documentary called The Beautiful Truth. Here is a link to the trailer and a link to watch it in its entirety online. There are countless others that will inform you of the power of superfoods, plant-based healing power, and the power of the mind in healing the body. I’ll put a list of them below. As always, email me. I love talking about it.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates (Again, where did we go astray?)

The Beautiful Truth tailer:

The Beautiful Truth documentary:

Other important and enlightening documentaries:

The New Medicine
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
Food Matters
The Gerson Miracle