Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Walk Project

I wish there was a bigger way to say THANK YOU! So many have donated to my cause so far. We are well on our way. I see relief in my near future and I can't tell you what that means to me and my family. This will change our lives.

We have made our decision to get the ADULT stem cell treatment done with a company called Stem Cells For Hope. Their clinic operates in Tijuana, Mexico. The stem cells will be harvested from my own bone marrow. We've seen several great success stories and we couldn't be more excited. We leave June 27.

The next phase of our fund-raising is called The Walk Project. We need to find 500 people to donate $20 each and, once again, I am asking for help. This fund raiser will get us the rest of the way to our goal. Please ask your friends, family or co-workers. Spread the word through Facebook or email. There are two easy ways to donate. 1 - Click on the "Chip In" link below and you can donate securely. 2 - Checks can be made out to "Stem Cells For Dawn Gusty" and mailed to:

Dawn Gusty
1010 Barnes Circle
Kingston Springs, TN 37082

We're hoping to have our 500 donations by May 31. Your support and prayers mean so much to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please continue to spread the word.