Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't worry, I got this one. (-God)

Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. – Matthew 6:34

The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days. – Deutoronomy 33:25

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Phillipians 4:13
Based on scripture, and taken from Elizabeth George’s book, Loving God With All Your Mind, :

• Nothing will ever happen to you that God doesn’t already know about.

• Nothing will ever happen to you that is a mistake.

• Nothing will ever happen that you cannot handle with God’s power and grace.

• Nothing will ever happen to you that will not eventually be used by God for some good purpose in your life.

• Nothing will ever happen to you without God’s presence.

My trips to Tijuana were not wasted. Your donations and prayers were not in vain. There are a lot of good things that came from that experience. Most notably, my nerve pain and numbness went away for 3 solid months. They have come back a little but it’s nothing like it was. There’s a positive.

I met a woman who is changing my life through nutrition. There’s a positive.

I was pushed down another path which is still a mystery but gives me some hope. The doctors believe that there is something else causing my mobility issues. Blood tests are required which are being done. That’s a positive.

That said, I feel like I need to explain to everyone that I’ve ordered the wheelchair and I can’t get around too well on my own anymore. My mobility has officially stopped improving and I am getting worse again.

As I wrote above, there is still much peace to be had through God’s presence and His purpose behind all things. I have to trust Him. I have to be patient and I just have to be thankful no matter what. I am not a refugee. I am not hungry. I have clean water. I am surrounded my love and comfort. I have an amazing man who loves me to pieces. I get to help two beautiful boys grow into awesome people. I am so truly blessed. And I know there are positives that come from my illness and I will hold on to those and be proud.