Sunday, January 20, 2013

Still hope, Still faith

The delay of a fresh blog is not due to discouraging progression this time. Pure procrastination. That’s it.

I was ready to order myself a Craftsmatic bed and call it a day. I had given up. There was not much fight left in me. I couldn’t imagine going somewhere on my own. I wasn’t strong enough. The procedure I had on my mouth did its job. I felt an initial boost of energy once my mouth healed. People could see a huge difference just by speaking to me.  That energy got me moving again. I’m working with my physical therapist, a Pilates instructor friend, walking at the pool and I’m walking on my walker more. It’s not easy; I hate it, but know it’s vital. The more I sit in my dumb scooter, the more my body withers.

Since the mouth surgery, I’m no longer nauseous with a headache every evening. I’m fatigued but it’s not nearly what it once was. Victory.

Slow progress but there is a glimmer of hope. I’m still not out and about too much but at least it’s not out of the question.

The first video (pre-surgery) shows the severity of my hand tremors. Those tremors have not changed. The second video (post-surgery) shows me walking up the stairs on a good day. (The face slam at the end is a joke so please don’t report domestic abuse.) The stairs are still so hard. Maybe it takes a long time for muscle to repair and grow? I’m not sure. I have faith that if I keep getting up them, I’ll get better and better at it. I admit, however, I hitch a piggyback ride every other night.

The purpose of these videos is to show anyone reading this the level of disability I’m challenged with. Maybe someone reading this is in the same boat – or an even better place – and I can encourage you. Life is not over. We truly have nothing to complain about.

I’ve said it before on this blog and will say it again… My faith has been deeply strengthened by the challenge I deal with. For that I’m grateful. If this shows even one person out there that I believe God is truly good and makes all things work together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28), then it has been worth the fight. And I will continue to fight and let His glory shine through me however possible.

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