Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The fire is in my FACE!!! (We hope.)

I have been completely uninspired to write a blog. Honestly, I had nothing positive to report. Several weeks ago, after a few big falls, I parked my walker and have been in my scooter full time. Whenever I had a chance, I laid down. I had no motivation and zero energy. The shakiness in my hands was noticeable and beginning to affect my ability to drink, eat, brush my teeth, etc. I’m currently typing with two fingers.  The list of “Things I Used To Be Able To Do” was growing. Call it self-pity but I truly felt that anyone else in my condition would be bed-ridden and that’s what I wanted to be.
Then came hope.
My husband put it best on Facebook:

Something viral has been suspected for some time now. Or maybe even layers of viruses. As you know, viruses can lay dormant, hide, and even cloak themselves to appear to be something they are not. Clever and sneaky little bastards.

Dawn had 4 wisdom teeth pulled about a year prior to her first MS symptoms. We'd just never connected those two dots. On her docs recommendation, we had a CT scan of her jaw area done. Today we sat with a biological dentist to read and interpret the scans. We were HOPING to find some pockets of nastiness in the areas were her teeth used to be. BINGO. Two big areas on her lower jaw. She will have those areas cleaned out and filled thru surgery. Her immune system has been locked-on and battling those two hidden areas 24/7 for the last 15-plus years. That battle has tied-up and drained the resources of her already-taxed immune system, thus, not allowing it to focus on much of anything else. With those areas dealt with, her strength should return. And her body should start healing itself. It won't be an over-night thing,  but it is FANTASTIC news. And my goodness... she deserves some good news.

Someone in my position that has barked up a lot of trees only to be disappointed may be more cautious. I guess I’m not very cautious because I’ve got my hopes up big time. The surgery is slated for August 28 and that can’t come soon enough. We will, of course, document the process as always. Wouldn’t that just be grand?

1 comment:

Iris said...

That would be very, VERY grand indeed.... I sure love you, and your fighting spirit, and if there is anyone who deserves hope and healing like this, it is YOU. My heart is so full after reading this, and August 28th will be a day of prayer for Dawn :) LOVE, Iris