Monday, July 19, 2010

Watch the Video of Dawn's Transplant

Below is the 2-part video of the entire transplant procedure. While there is nothing super-graphic shown in this footage... please be aware that if you are squeamish of needles, etc... you may have to turn away a few times!

However... it is important that others who are considering this procedure be allowed to see exactly what is taking place. It will take about 15 minutes to watch both parts. They run around 8 minutes each.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Been 2 Weeks

Successes to report:
  • I can go from sitting to standing without holding on to anything.
  • I can stand up to get dressed.
  • I can ride my cycle 9 minutes morning and night.
  • I can type with 2 hands.
  • I can brush my teeth standing up.
  • I can still tap my left foot. (Not without much effort but I can do it!)
  • I took the kids to the library and out to lunch yesterday and made it back home. The heat index was 105. No way I could have done that before. Then later, we went swimming!
Good things, yes. There is definite improvement. I haven't seen improvement in a long time.

This does not come easy. I think I foolishly hoped that I would come home from this treatment and immediately be a different person. I wasn't aware that I was in store for so much work! And this work doesn't end. This work is a lifestyle change.

I have to eat this way for the rest of my life. I have to exercise every day and work to rebuild lost muscle. Finally, and most importantly, I have to keep my attitude positive. If that falters, I lose.

There are still bad periods in each day. I still suffer debilitating fatigue in the late afternoons. I still experience periods of numbness in one area or another temporarily. I still use my walker. I still have to rest throughout my day. I'm realizing and understanding now that these may be my lifelong hardships. Here's where the attitude adjustment comes in.

I'm still going to work my tail off. I've got 12 more days left in this critical first 28 day period. I know I can make a lot more connections and regain a lot more strength in that time. Onward...

Monday, July 12, 2010

You Only Get One Shot

"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot. Do NOT miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo."

If you're not familiar, that's Eminem. I could listen to this song non-stop. As he says in the song, "failure is not an option".

I have been given a very precious gift. It's up to me now to make the most of it. The first 30 days are so critical. I need to make the connections happen. As much as it hurts, I have to move. As much as I don't want to drag myself to stand up, I have to get to the pool. It's not easy but I'm going to make it work. I consider this as my last shot - my one shot - to make a difference in how I live the rest of my life.

So what does that look like so far? Here's my update:

My diet has drastically changed. I now eat only meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and eggs. After a couple more weeks, I'll add sprouted wheat. That's it. No sugar, no dairy, no bread, and no soy. I'm committed to eating like this for the rest of my life.

I am officially on a specialized supplement program from my nutritionist which supports my immune system and my bone marrow especially. This is the amazing woman I spent each day with in the clinic in Tijuana.

I am exercising again. It's not huge but I'm doing it. I got on my stationary bike and rode for 2 minutes this morning before I collapsed. Tonight, I rode for 5 interrupted minutes. My legs are wiped. I will eventually work up to 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. 

I've gone to my dear neighbors' pool the last two days and will be visiting them every day while they let me. I cycle in the water and, most importantly, go under water and hold my breath for 30 seconds at a time. This is so important because the pressure in my brain causes connections to be made.

Finally, I'm doing my yoga again. I have missed that so much. Before I left for treatment, I couldn't do a sun salute anymore. I'm doing 3-4 each day now and will soon work my way up to doing 6-8 per day agan.

It's still easy to worry and to lose faith from time to time. But those thoughts are so poisonous and they do no good. My greatest inspiration is God and the voice of truth when He says, "Do not be afraid for I am with you." Eminem is obviously a far cry from the divine but he works to get me up the stairs, yo.

To all of you who have been reading our updates, thank you so much for caring!! We will continue reporting successes. I'm not quite ready for the "after" video but I'm sure I will be soon. Thank you so much to all of you for your encouragement. I have really great people in my life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

John Update: "But Wait... There's More!"

Of the many blessings that Dawn experienced on this journey was the absolute honor of going thru the transplant procedure with a wonderful, brilliant women from Texas named Cynthia. Cynthia is approximately 15 years Dawn’s senior and is to nutrition what Yoda is to the ways of The Force.

Translation to all non-Star Wars geeks: She a nutritional bad-ass!

It will be via Cynthia’s guidance that Dawn will maintain a post-treatment nutritional protocol that will help the cell transplant stick, remain active and progressing.

For the sake of other’s following Dawn’s journey in hopes of this procedure being an option for themselves or a loved one… I’ll do my best to keep everyone updated on Cynthia’s condition, progress and input. Perhaps someday soon we’ll get her to do a “Guest-Blog” and share her wealth of knowledge of keeping this wondrous machine we call our body running at top-notch condition.

Here are her one week post-treatment “victories”:

1. Able to pick feet up and walk with walker, not just slide feet

2. Better than 50% reduction in inflammation of legs, ankles and feet

3. Able to do leg lifts with light weight at gym for first time in 10 years

4. Increase in mental acuity

5. Feeling much less fatigued

6. Can stand and remain solidly balanced on her feet – unable to do so prior to surgery

There you have it. It’s not just happening to Dawn… these results are real and life-changing. Congratulations to Cynthia and her wonderful crew. We made three life-long friends during our time with Dr. Andrade. Cynthia and Co. will be a significant part of a much bigger story moving forward.

God bless our new comrades! God bless Cynthia’s progress!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update from John: "One Week Out"

It’s been exactly one week since the transplant. And I think this would be a good time to list some of the changes that Dawn has experienced so far. Please keep in mind that the majority of the changes should occur in the 4 to 6-week post-treatment time window. But we were told she’d experience little “victories” along the way. Here’s what we’ve experienced thus far:

LOSS OF FATIGUE: Pre-treatment… Dawn was waking up exhausted. Period. And it was hard to watch her try and have a somewhat normal day when she started out completely wiped from the moment she opened her eyes. For the most part… the fatigue is gone.

HAND & FINGER MOTOR SKILLS/FUNCTIONALITY: It was getting to the point where typing and using the phone was becoming a problem. Especially with her left hand. She is now experiencing much better functionality and accuracy.

FUNCTIONALITY OF THE LEFT FOOT: Pre-treatment Dawn was unable to lift her left foot off the ground. She basically swung/dragged her left foot in order to get it to where it needed to be. She can now lift it. And most exciting of all… she can actually tap her left foot. We are still trying to decide if this is due to the actual treatment or the new Lady Ga Ga single!

INCREASED POWER IN HER THIGHS & KNEES: Dawn is now able to do her version of a “squat” – which is basically her going from the standing position and bending her knees and going down into a squat-like position and then coming back up. Pre-treatment she couldn’t do even one of these. Her new record is 7 sets of 12. For the mathematically-challenged…. That’s 84!

THE ABSENCE OF NERVE PAIN: This is one that is hard for those of us not going thru this to understand. But Dawn has been living with a constant “burning-and-tingling” sensation mostly in her legs that was quite uncomfortable and quite constant. That is now gone. This nerve pain also caused spasms in her legs and feet. This has also subsided. One more issue that is also gone is the cold/freezing sensation associated with this kind of nerve pain.

THE ABSENCE OF NUMBNESS: Dawn felt a general numbness from her knees to her toes. This was a daily occurrence. That is also mostly gone.

So for those keeping track, or possibly experiencing these same symptoms, it’s important that we chronicle these improvements.

Little “victories” indeed!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What you see now.

I didn't want to write a new blog because I didn't want to take that picture off of me and Dr. Andrade. So I'm including another one of my daily clinic friends. This is Christina, my sweet favorite nurse Angelina, and Dr. Andrade who is saying in the picture, "Joo are tall!" I miss them all. We just don't get to have these kinds of medical experiences in the US. They are all wonderful people who truly care about making their patients better. A concept that is foreign to most of us.

So NOW...what can we see? Many of you might run into me on the street back home and think I look the same. But what you are seeing is the weakness of idle muscles. Now that my MS symptoms are out of the way, I feel just how weak my body has become. I can't believe I had to fight this on top of severe fatigue, nerve pain, and spasticity.

I've had a few moments in the last couple of days when I felt discouraged because I'm still having a pretty hard time getting around. But then I realized that was just the muscle weakness! My muscles have been un-used for years. My core is worthless and my legs are like poles. The flesh just hangs off the bone. I was also feeling pain in my leg muscles. That's because I'm waking them up and using them for the first time in so long! This new pain is welcome! It's nothing like the pain I used to experience.

I have NO numbness is my body whatsoever. That's a first.
I have NO fatigue!! That's a first.
I have NO nerve pain!! That's a first.

Physical therapy when I get home is a must. I'm eager to rebuild the muscle. I'm not going to visit my doctor at home until I'm stronger. I don't want him to see me just a little bit better - I want to blow him away!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day #5: John "The Husband" Update

First off… apologies for the delay in updates. It’s been a pretty celebratory last couple of days!

Day #5 at the clinic consisted of a Vitamin C I.V. drip to start off the day followed by a B-12 injection. That’s it. The remainder of the day was spent going over the continuing protocol that we will have to keep in place over the next 2 months.

To say that there has been much rejoicing is an understatement. Dawn is able to do things already that were unheard of just a week ago. She is able to type competently. She can navigate the buttons on her phone… which has been a MAJOR hassle in the last few months.

Tonight (the evening of Day #6) we went out to eat as a family. Now see if you can follow me on this:

We are on the 3rd floor of a major hotel. Dawn made it from our hotel room all the way TO THE CAR, plus all the distance required to get in and out of the restaurant… then back to the hotel room WITHOUT HER SCOOTER! She simply used a cane and my arm for support.

Those of you who know Dawn know what a MAJOR accomplishment this is! This is only the beginning folks!

Tomorrow morning we get on a plane and fly to Fort Collins, CO for a week of recovery and some dear time with the family. The best is yet to come. I have included a picture of Dawn and Dr. Andrade in this post. This is a man whose work is a godsend to those who have been told they have no options. Going forward… it’s my pledge to get this man’s work on the radar of as many people as will listen!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Morning of Day 5

This is our last day in the clinic. I'm currently getting the last IV bag of vitamins then we're headed to San Diego this afternoon.

Today is the BEST I've felt all week. It's the best I've felt in over a year!! I did 72 squats this morning. I couldn't do 5 before I left. And I'm sure I'll do more by the end of the day.

I wish I could visit this clinic like I visit my doctors at home. The people are so loving! The doctor hugs me and holds my hand and focuses on me in a way that I've never felt from a doctor before. Nurse Angelina calls me "my bebe" and I want her to be my grandma. We considered smuggling her over the border and bringing her home but I can't do that to her real grandchildren. Besides, we might get held up at the border with a sweet little Mexican nurse smushed into our trunk. I love all of these people and they care about their patients so much. We don't get to experience this in America. I am so grateful I was able to go through it.

I'm sure John will put his Day 5 post up soon...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day #4: John "The Husband" Update

Day #4 and I have to say that I’m astounded at the difference this early on. Dawn is no longer fatigued to the point of being useless. She has stood up on her own for a small amount of time… which was unheard of previously. She is able to do about a dozen squats at a time.

You must realize that Dawn’s muscles are so weak from years of not being used properly, if at all. So the trick now is to build up her physical strength. The good news is that this will now be possible to do. Much physical therapy in Dawn’s future.

They administered an IV drip of Vitamin C first thing. That was followed by two injections of a special mixture of Dawn’s cells that were introduced (via a culture) to a medium of stimulants. These injections will help the other stem cells communicate throughout the process. The final step was an injection of Nuprogen to the stomach area.

We’ve been told that about 4 weeks out from today will be the peak of any physical change that she will experience. If today was any indication… there are some very exciting days ahead.

NOTE: I have the entire surgical procedure from yesterday on video. In a few days I will edit it down into one comprehensive piece. Doctor Vargas and Doctor Andrade have just been amazing. I’ve been allowed to film everything. Every step has been meticulously detailed and recorded. And they’ve absolutely welcomed it. The transparency has been refreshing. When we’ve needed questions answered… they answer them. When I needed the correct spelling of a medication… they hand me the box or vial.

We are returning home with a TON of data. Dr. Andrade has been most gracious to share with us. He is an amazing man.

I know one thing to be true: The entire team here at the clinic exist to help people. Period.

Day 4 - The Stem Cells are Injected!

As of last night, I have millions and millions of fresh stem cells swimming through my body. I feel better today than I have all week. As each hour goes by, I feel just a little better. I am standing and moving just a little bit easier. It's not night and day but I know very well that change is here and it's only going to get better.

I have the pleasure of going through this experience with another MS patient who has a PhD in Nutrition. Lucky me. She is going to get me on a nutritional regimen once I'm home to sustain this treatment and get the most out of it.

It worked! I have my work cut out for me now, however. My muscles are so weak from years of unuse. Now the physical therapy is possible and I can rebuild. I can't wait. So if you see me with my walker, don't be disappointed. Besides, I think you'll notice the smile is bigger!!